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Józef Czapski - photographs and recordings

“And finally, Józio Czapski. His functions in running Kultura are undefined. He must have rendered her great service in the former difficult times, as quaestor and fundraiser, in the States and in South America,” recalled Wacław Zbyszewski in the article “Zagubieni romantycy” [Lost Romantics] (Kultura, No. 10, 1959).

And this is how Zbyszewski further characterized Czapski’s role in the small community of Kultura: “Czapski has certainly rendered and continues to render great services to Kultura as a sui generis minister of foreign affairs: he has a double ease of establishing relations and friendships, both as an artist and as count, because these two social groups ‑ the aristocracy and the bohemian ‑ are the most international, the least rigid, the least parochial in dealing with foreigners. But these real, concrete merits of Czapski are unimportant in comparison with his contribution to  spiritual, personal, social and internal life du petit circle of Laffitte. Giedroyc gives a sense of Mission, Zygmunt brings idealists to the hard ground of reality. Zosia gives a lot of furious energy and the warmth of the family nest. And Józio Czapski adds a kiss of fantasy to the whole thing.”

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