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Talks about emigration

It is no coincidence that the list of the first publications of the emerging “Kultura” included two items: Mickiewicz’s “The Books and the Pilgrimage of the Polish Nation” (with an introduction by Gustaw Herling-Grudziński) and “Prometeusze” [Prometheuses] by Stanisław Szpotański – “a book that showed that life in exile is extremely hard and often ends tragically,” explained Jerzy Giedroyc in “Autobiografia na cztery ręce” [Autobiography for Four Hands]. “I chose this book, as well as »The Books and the Pilgrimage «, very deliberately and consciously, because I considered it a warning against emigration,” he added.

In the interviews presented here, Jerzy Giedroyc, as well as other members of the “Kultura” team, talks about various concepts of emigration, its subsequent “waves,” the difficult first (and not only the first) years and relations with other emigration circles.

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