31 października 1947 r. Jerzy Giedroyc oraz Zofia i Zygmunt Hertz wprowadzili się do domu przy 1, avenue Corneille w Maison-Laffite pod Paryżem.  / Sygn. FIL04730 / © Instytut Literacki

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June – First issue of Kultura is published in Rome.
October – Institute relocates to 1 Avenue Corneille in Maisons-Laffitte near Paris. Second issue of Kultura is published from the new premises.

Opposition leader Stanisław Mikołajczyk flees Poland. Bolesław Beirut becomes firstcommunist president. Operation Vistula, the forced resettlement of Poland’s Ukrainian and other minority populations to the new post-war territories.

Start of the Cold War. Truman Doctrine is formulated. India and Pakistan are granted independence, heralding the break-up of the British Empire. US plane breaks sound barrier. CIA is founded. First publication of The Diary of Anne Frank. Kon-Tiki expedition.

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