Ogród domu Instytutu Literackiego, Maisons-Laffitte 1994 r. / Sygn. FIL04495 / fot. Henryk Giedroyc


Kultura (issue no. 562/563) contains Teresa Torańska’s article “Czy MY to ONI” 
(Are WE actually THEM?)
The following titles appear: Jerzy Giedroyc’s Autobiografia na cztery ręce  (Autobiography for Four Hands), edited  and with an afterword by Krzysztof  Pomian; Iza Chruślińska’s Była raz Kultura. Rozmowy z Zofią Hertz (Once, There was Kultura. Conversations with Zofia Hertz); and re-editions of 100 Zeszyty Historyczne (Historical Notebooks).
Nelson Mandela is elected president of South Africa.


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